
It starts with a spark

What compelled your entrepreneurial leap of faith? How did you do it? To the humble entrepreneur or solopreneur, your business beginnings story may not seem much different from others getting started. And yet, it is!

True, there are common themes in all start-ups. Determination. Dedication. Passion. A little bit of crazy thrown in.

Most likely, your business started with an idea you just couldn’t let go. You may have felt compelled to launch by a deeply held passion, a unique expertise or a need you suddenly recognized in the marketplace. Or, let’s be honest, you may have felt pushed by an economic driver, like the prospect of no income on the horizon.

Whatever it was, it started with a spark. There was something that kindled your start and made you bravely face the entrepreneurial path. That’s the story your customers want to hear. Talking about your true beginning offers the familiarity and motivation and inspiration that solidifies your “right” to earn their business. Your story becomes the spark that turns prospects into customers.

That spark moment – that common denominator among start-up founders –  just happens to be the same spark I experienced that pushed me to start this Biz Beginnings blog. I’ll share more of my story as we go along but my story is not the focus here. This blog is for business start-ups, solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and all those with just enough crazy to believe they can beat the odds and meet a need while feeding their passion.

Think of this as a “Humans of” type of space, where humans who start businesses showcase their compelling stories. Hearing and writing about your biz beginning kindles my own spark moment! So reach out. Tell me your story.  And watch this space for the inspiration of others, just like us. Oh, what a spark that will be!

Lorraine Russell, founder, tigPR/Biz Beginnings